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PM2.5やウイルスを同時に防ぐ空気浄化関連の特許が大幅に増加 -室内抗菌・抗ウイルス空気浄化特許出願が2016年以降、合計238件、2019年比28%増- WHOのCOVID-19パンデミック宣言(2020.3.11)以降、抗菌機能付き室内空気浄化関連の特許出願件数が増加...
Evolution of masks advanced by COVID-19
Evolution of masks advanced by COVID-19 -Sudden increase of patent application filings in relation to technologies for customized...
Intellectual Property Right Applications increased in the first half of this year despite Covid-19
Intellectual Property Right Applications increased in the first half of this year despite Covid-19 -Remarkable increase in applications...
Enjoy delicious food at home safely!
Enjoy delicious food at home safely! - Filing of trademark applications related to Home Meal Replacements increased- As Home Meal...
안전하게 집에서 맛있는 음식 드세요!
안전하게 집에서 맛있는 음식 드세요! - 가정간편식 상표 출원 증가 - 가정간편식(HMR*)이 집밥과 외식을 대체하는 수단으로 각광받으며 이와 관련된 상표출원도 증가하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. * 가정간편식(HMR, Home Meal...
Health training in the contactless era, training at home is increasing
Health training in the contactless era, training at home is increasing - The Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) states that...
공식 SNS 페이지
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